Teach A Cappella?
We can help.
The AEA is a non-profit organization dedicated to a cappella singing. Created by the industry’s leading contemporary vocal educators, our mission is to support the creation and development of a cappella groups, programs, and curricula across the country.
Expand your skillset
We’ll help make you an expert in contemporary a cappella education.
We know firsthand what it’s like to exit a conservatory program and have the grand idea to start a contemporary a cappella group. Whether you don’t know where to begin or where to go next, our experts are here to help! We’ll challenge you

Make Connections
Whether you’re running the only group in your state or you are lost in a sea of big fish, you’ll find the supportive network you need at the AEA.
If we learn anything as educators, it’s the power of teamwork and collaboration. Being a part of the AEA gives you access to hundreds of other educators going through the exact same challenges you are! Bounce ideas off one another, borrow
Achieve your goals
You’ve got a vision, and we’ve got the tools you need to make it happen.
If you’ve decided to take on the project of building an a cappella group, chances are this isn’t the first time you’ve dreamed big. Like us, we’re sure you have lofty goals and big dreams – you just need an outline of the steps you need to get there. AEA experts and fellow members have been exactly where you are AND exactly where you want to be, and we know just the things to check off to help you get there.

Ready to learn?
Methods and Resources for Vocal Music, Choir, and A Cappella during COVID-19
Whether completely virtual, hybrid, or in-person with modifications, every vocal music class this fall is going to look different. We reached out to experts in our field who have provided some potential frameworks, methods, approaches, and methods you may be able to...
10 groups you won’t believe are in high school
Photo of Naughty Scotty and the Octapella, via orangeobserver.com. Yes, they’re in high school. Yes, they’re that good. A cappella is alive and well in high schools across the United States. Let these ten groups inspire you and your students! 1. InToneNation (New...
7 ways to monetize your a cappella group without using Kickstarter
Image via YouTube. “How can we make money as an a cappella group?” “Well...we could do a Kickstarter…” If you’re trying to monetize your group, there’s nothing wrong with crowdfunding an EP or album - but that’s not a sustainable income source. Here are seven...
Exclusive A Cappella Instruction
Members of the AEA have access to exclusive events, webinars, content, and more!
While anyone is able to join our Facebook group and access our blog content, the most ambitious directors are AEA members. Take a look at the content you’d be able to access with your membership – starting at just $39/year!

A Cappella Rehearsal Technique
How can I have more effective rehearsals? What strategies work for other people?

Live Sound How-To
Help! How do I run sound for my group’s concert? What gear should I buy for my auditorium?

Teaching VP and Belting
How do I teach VP if I can’t do it myself? Is there actually a proper pedagogy for belting? We’ve got the answers.

Visuals and Choreography
What is effective choreo? How much movement is too much? What’s the right movement for my group?

Fundraising and Gigging
Everything we want to do costs money! How are other groups doing it? How do we get paid to perform?
Ready to join?
Get in touch, or register as a member!